
Guava (Scientific name: Psidium guajava Linn.) Is a small to medium tree in the family Myrtaceae from it totally. Twig is a square Top with soft short hair single leaf from the opposite end of leaf form leaf Tree is quite rounded bouquet of white flowers ripe fruit, green skin when ripe is yellow.
The word guava in English is Guava, which comes from the Spanish word Guayaba and Portuguese word Goiaba guava has a native other is dipping nude (Surat Thani) Pink (Pattani) Ma Kuay (Chiang Mai, northern) Ma gang. unit check (above), Maka (Klang, Mae Hong Son), Ma, China (TAK), Ma it (above), John Moody personality State Bun Drug (Malaya Narathiwat), John Ring (Lawa) in Chiang Mai Ya focus (South) Ya Village (South) and Sida (Nakhon Phanom, Narathiwat).
The word guava in English is Guava, which comes from the Spanish word Guayaba and Portuguese word Goiaba guava has a native other is dipping nude (Surat Thani) Pink (Pattani) Ma Kuay (Chiang Mai, northern) Ma gang. unit check (above), Maka (Klang, Mae Hong Son), Ma, China (TAK), Ma it (above), John Moody personality State Bun Drug (Malaya Narathiwat), John Ring (Lawa) in Chiang Mai Ya focus (South) Ya Village (South) and Sida (Nakhon Phanom, Narathiwat).
Botanical characteristics.
Guava is a tree 3-10 m high single leaf bark smooth oval Sort opposite edges parallel to mingle 3-8 cm long, 6-14 cm wide single flower or bouquet of flowers from a corner 2-3 leaves with white corolla. Pollen fall a lot easier. The result is fresh.
The herb
Fresh boiled guava leaves. The effect of the anti-inflammatory bowel diarrhea using a paint blister rash resolve.
Boil the water, guava, dry The voice of the placebo effect cure.
Western Vietnam - Western folk to big than 2 to 3 times was imported from Vietnam to be planted at the Rose from 2521 to 2523 .
Western Kim Joo - Western Wireless is a beautiful cream colored seeds, sweet mellow frame.
Western Oval trolley - the Union first to grow a lot. Later, the golden key to the Union. Is growing ever smaller.
Western Golden Key - the most widely grown in Thailand When mature, white to the full framework initially planted at Rose. Later spread.
Western Wireless seeds - a long ball style taste inferior to seedless guava, golden key, and Kim Joo.