
Banana is a herbaceous plant species in the genus Musa are kinds Kluaynamthai Banana banana banana banana, bananas, green bananas Tani Heuamuu Eeebamืonrong banana. Banana, banana, orange, banana fingers her snake banana banana stone, ivory, etc. Some shoot it out, but it is not the offshoot of some big long flat leaf petiole, the lower the long sheath wrapping the stems overlap. Flowering cabbage stem end and often have children as long as the turkey comb any group collectively have some plants like palm trunk. Issuing sequential melody blows in a row fan-like leaves such as banana, banana fan (Ravenala madagascariensis) are supposed to actually plant in other currencies. The non-palm and banana.
Banana is a plant that uses a variety. Banana leaf wrapping food and crafts of various kinds. Used to make rope, banana stem count.
Food made from banana
Different parts of the cooking banana bring many parts of the banana blossom and ripe banana pepper and raw example Uegyiแkhu Shopping dried banana banana banana banana Bycce link Khgryeamnrdod fried bananas.
Banana types.
Group Ingentimusa - from Papua New Guinea.
Group Ingentimusa - from Papua New Guinea.
Musa ingens.
[Group Callimusa (cover Australimusa).
- M. alinsanaya
- M. beccarii
- M. boman
- M. borneënsis
- M. bukensis
- M. campestris
- M. coccinea
- M. exotica
- M. fitzalanii
- M. flavida
- M. gracilis
- M. hirta
- M. insularimontana
- M. jackeyi
- M. johnsii
- M. lawitiensis
- M. lolodensis
- M. maclayi
- M. monticola
- M. muluensis
- M. paracoccinea
- M. peekelii
- M. pigmaea
- M. salaccensis
- M. splendida
- M. suratii
- M. textilis
- M. tuberculata
- M. violascens
Group Musa (cover Rhodochlamys)
- M. acuminata
- M. angcorensis
- M. aurantiaca
- M. balbisiana
- M. banksii
- M. basjoo
- M. cheesmanii
- M. flaviflora
- M. griersonii
- M. itinerans
- M. laterita
- M. mannii
- M. nagensium
- M. ochracea
- M. ornata
- M. rubra
- M. sanguinea
- M. schizocarpa
- M. siamea
- M. sikkimensis
- M. thomsonii
- M. velutina
- M. sp. "Burmese Blue"
- M. sp. "VN1-054"