Rice is the annual family can eat the grass seeds have. Monocotyledon is like grass. Rice with some aspects, such as leaf stems and leaves from the grass roots like in Thailand, jasmine rice varieties in the country and is popular throughout the world.
Varieties of rice
Rice consumption is popular in two species is large.
Oryza glaberrima grown only in tropical Africa only. Oryza sativa cultivated rice species in general Oryza sativa to be separated. indica has grown a lot in the tropics. japonica is grown in many warm Javanica.
Rice grown in Thailand is that they are divided into Indica rice and glutinous rice has also been selected and improved human species has always been since the history of cultivation. Rice today. Has many, many varieties around the world to taste and functionality vary. Rice's world-renowned Thai jasmine rice.
Important characteristics of rice can be divided into characteristics associated with growth And characteristics related to propagation.
Characteristics associated with growth Characteristics of the Sampan to the growth of rice plants, including roots and leaves.
Root root is the part below the surface. Hold the stem with soil to keep from falling. But sometimes a special happens at any roots that are above ground with No RagKaew rice. However, branching rootlet branching distribution under the surface. Stem hollow look in the middle and divided into any segment. The barrier between an articulation The length of the segment is different. Segment is equal to the number of leaves of rice normally has about 20-25 segment. Leaves from rice leaves for photosynthesis. To change the mineral nutrients, water and carbon dioxide as flour For growth and A grain of rice leaf consists of leaf and leaf pages.
Characteristics related to propagation. Breed rice seeds caused by a combination of pollen from male and female pollen. Important characteristics about the breed, including rice and rice flower shops.
Corn grains (panicle) means inflorescences of rice (Inflorescence) that occurred at any of the last segment of the rice. Distance between an upper segment of the last joint of the flag leaf called Cornyong. Flower Rice refers to the male pollen and pollen for breeding females. Flower Rice husk contains two large sheets to wrap the coordination within the. The outer shell out large sheets called Lake Emma (lemma) of the outer shell of large sheets called Lia took (palea), both these shells. Outside of it may have any coat or no coat.
Means the grain is called flour. Endo sperm (endosperm) and the Cup is ÙÞ. This outer shell covering the two large sheets. Endo sperm starches we eat. ÙÞ Cup is part of life and come out as white when germination took to cultivation.
Type of rice Divided into two types of rice and glutinous rice with almost everything the same, but different where the hard seed
Grain rice contains starch amylose (Amylose) 15-30 percent. Grain rice flour contains pectin Lo Su Min. (Amylopectin) is mostly starch and amylose (Amylose) about 5-7 percent.
Rice trade.
World rice demand of world demand estimated 417.7 million tonnes [1] Thailand is a country that exports the most rice in the world. The proportion of exports 36 percent, followed by India, Vietnam, 20 percent 18 percent 14 percent U.S., Pakistan 12 percent, respectively [2].
