Corn (Scientific name: Zea mays Linn.) Thereof, wheat, wheat (above) still (Krabi) Phot (South) Bue K Se (Karen - Mae Hong Son) is a plant family with grass has stems high average 2.2 m size trunk diameter of 0.5-2.0 inch seed pods used as food by humans and animals.

Botanical characteristics.
Corn is a grass plant scrap. With strong upright stems. The spongy texture like sponge about 1.4 meters high leaves are pointed in a straight line approximately 30-100 cm long line of middle leaves are visible. Marginal soft hairy leaves. Male flowers and female flowers on the same beginning. Male inflorescences on the top of the trunk Female inflorescences on the lower leaves of the betel leaf. Sheath and stem the growing of flowers and female. Pods are pale green Enough color to be light-colored.
Have been excavated from the remains of corn cobs and corn near the river in New Mexico. (Bar South America) and now widely grown popular in the region can grow in America, Canada, the climatic conditions vary very important source of animal food. Because animals can be either from leaves and seeds.
Imported into Thailand.
For Thailand Thai people know the corn from the animal after World War II by a grandson Sitthiporn Korn corn varieties has led to the planting and animal husbandry trial. While that is still little known. Until after World War 2 and the corn has become ubiquitous due. Royal Suwanvajokkasikit brought the chickens to start a commercial demonstration And encourage people to comply with the chickens is known more for corn than ever before. Because the term corn is expensive and rare. Of corn is used as a component of the staple food. Bran and broken rice, which is mainly But now the animal commonly known corn. And now Thailand have grown corn in the year, as many
Type of corn Corn generally organized into five groups.
Maize or corn (Field Corn) known today as dent corn head (Dent Coorn) and corn intractable (Fint Corn), which is run according to dent corn head or head pound This type of corn seed drying on top and then head straight to the sink to Roy. This is the part of white flour. This type of corn is very important and widely grown in popularity. United States Especially the Corn Belt bar. Color of the seeds ranges from yellow to white. Because there are several varieties of corn protein, less than the refractory Corn intractable Corn is the top seed coat often yellow when dried is organized and very hard. Within the corn kernel that contains a substance classified as a yellow color to a script of chitosan Tea (Cruptoxanthin) compounds when animals are animals, this material will change into vitamin A. In addition, this material also gives a deep red yolk. Allow chicken meat with skin, mouth and shin in yellow. Popular market, especially the UK, America, bar, used white corn.
Corn (Sweet Corn) is the corn that people eat. No transformation Grains tend to shrink when the clear and full. It has a lot of sugar. Before they are ripe sweet than other types of so called sweet corn. There are many varieties.
Popcorn (Pop Corn) is the corn that people eat. No transformation Seeds rather hard Good color and size vary. For foreign If seed corn is called Cape style rice (Rice Corn) If corn seed called Round Pearl (Pearl Corn).
Corn Flour (Flour Corn) seeds have many colors such as white (opaque or a little yellow) or dark blue. Or both white and dark blue in the same pod. Because mutations. They have dark seeds and their mutants called Indian corn (Squaw Corn) or call again called corn cultivars (Native Corn) they will have dark corn Night Scene Sun. Higher corn with white flour.
Corn Candle (Waxy Corn) is the corn that people eat. Flour is unique because it is soft and sticky powder contains starch in their Ann Cummins Lopez pectin. (Amylopectin) the other with corn starch Ann Cummins L'a (Amylose) in the assembly. Making flour is quite hard
Corn for livestock in Thailand, many varieties. Are growing popular in Thailand. Guatemala species P. Yee 12 (Rep.1) Guatemala PB 12 (Rep.2) PB sticky and OPEC -2 5 corn seeds from the white. Yellow to red Depending on the size of the seed varieties. Are generally in the range of 0.5 to 0.8 cm diameter before the animals must be crushed before to help digestion and the mixture was better The ground will be approximately 1-8 mm
Benefits in other areas.
Corn can also promote degradation PAHs contaminated soil, such as feed Nan Previous Next the APU by biodegradable 90% at initial concentration 100 mg / kg [1] and resistant soil doctor contaminated oil. [2] is useful for the implementation of soil remediation contaminated with PAHs and petroleum .